Two muslim women with hijabs consulting a map while traveling in the city

Ramadan is a significant month in the Islamic calendar, observed by millions of Muslims around the world. It is a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection, where Muslims refrain from eating or drinking anything from dawn until sunset.

For travellers, visiting a Muslim country during Ramadan can be a unique experience, but it's essential to be mindful of local customs and traditions.

In this article, we will share some tips on travelling during Ramadan, so you can make the most of your trip while respecting local customs and traditions.

Understand The Significance Of Ramadan

Before embarking on your trip, it's essential to understand the significance of Ramadan. It is a month of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and devotion.

Muslims fast during daylight hours, abstain from food and drink and dedicate themselves to prayer and charitable acts. Respecting this sacred time and being mindful of how your actions may impact others is essential.

Ramadan is also a time for Muslims to strengthen their relationship with Allah and deepen their faith.

Plan Your Travel Dates Carefully

If you're planning to travel during Ramadan, it's essential to consider the dates carefully. Ramadan falls on a different year date as it follows the lunar calendar.

The exact dates can vary by a day or two, depending on the country you're visiting. It's best to research the dates beforehand and plan your trip accordingly.

Remember that the last ten days of Ramadan are the most important, as it is marked when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Respect Local Customs And Traditions

During Ramadan, Muslims have a heightened sense of spirituality, and respecting local customs and traditions is essential. It's advisable to dress conservatively, especially when visiting religious sites.

Public displays of affection are also frowned upon, so it's best to avoid such behaviour. If you're a non-Muslim, it's essential to respect those who are fasting and refrain from eating or drinking in public.

It's also important to be mindful of the call to prayer, which happens five times daily. During this time, many businesses will pause and allow people to pray.

Prepare For Changes In Business Hours

During Ramadan, business hours may change, and some shops and restaurants may close during the day. Planning and checking the opening hours of the places you want to visit is essential.

Some tourist attractions may also have reduced hours, so checking beforehand is best. Be mindful of your transportation options, as schedules may change during Ramadan. It's also worth noting that some countries have different laws during Ramadan, such as restrictions on music or dancing.

Stay Hydrated And Energized

If you're travelling during Ramadan, staying hydrated and energized is essential. Going without food and drink during the day can be challenging, especially if you're not used to it.

It's essential to drink plenty of water during the non-fasting hours and eat nutritious meals during sahur (pre-dawn meal) and iftar (breaking fast meal).

You can also carry some snacks to keep your energy levels up during the day. Some hotels may offer sahur or iftar meals, so it's worth checking with your accommodation.

Have An Emergency Sahur/Iftar Pack

If you're travelling during Ramadan, having an emergency sahur/iftar pack with you is a good idea. It can include water, dates, and snacks you can eat during the day if you are still looking for food or drink.

You can also carry some fruit or energy bars with you so you have something to eat during the day. If you're staying with a local family, they may also offer you food during the day, but it's always best to have a backup plan.

Embrace The Spirit Of Giving And Community

Ramadan is a giving time, and many Muslims will engage in charitable acts this month. As a traveller, you can also participate in these acts and embrace the spirit of giving and community.

You can donate to a local charity or volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen. It is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and positively impact the community.

Be Mindful of Your Behavior

As a traveller, you must be mindful of your behaviour during Ramadan. It's essential to respect the customs and traditions of the country you're visiting and avoid any behaviour that may be considered disrespectful or offensive.

It includes drinking alcohol or engaging in public displays of affection. It's also worth noting that some countries may have stricter laws during Ramadan, so it's best to research these beforehand.

How Do You Pass The Time While Travelling During Ramadan?

Passing the time during travel during Ramadan can be challenging, especially if you are fasting. However, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself occupied and make the most of your travel experience.

1.   Read A Book:

 Reading can be a great way to pass the time during travel. You can bring a book on Islamic history, culture, or spirituality to learn more about the significance of Ramadan and Islamic customs and traditions.

2.   Listen To Islamic Lectures Or Recitation:

 You can listen to Islamic lectures or recitation of the Quran on your phone or MP3 player. It can help you stay connected to your faith and make the most of your time during travel.

3.   Sleep:

Travelling can be exhausting, and fasting can make you feel more tired than usual. Taking a nap during travel can help you rest and recharge.

4.   Practice Meditation Or Mindfulness:

 You can practice meditation or mindfulness to help you stay calm and centred during travel. It can also help you stay focused on your faith and the significance of Ramadan.

5.   Write A Travel Journal:

Writing about your travel experiences can be a great way to reflect on your journey and new experiences. You can also use your journal to document your spiritual journey during Ramadan.

6.   Watch Islamic Programming:

 You can watch Islamic programming on your phone or tablet to learn more about Islam and the customs and traditions of the countries you visit.

7.   Learn A New Skill:

You can use your travel time to learn a new skill, such as a new language or craft. It can help you make the most of your travel experience and keep yourself occupied during travel.

Passing the time during travel during Ramadan can be challenging, but it's important to stay positive and make the most of your time.

Whether you're reading, listening to Islamic lectures, sleeping, practising meditation or mindfulness, writing a travel journal, watching Islamic programming, or learning a new skill, there are many things you can do to make the most of your travel experience during Ramadan.


Travelling during Ramadan can be a unique and enriching experience, but it's essential to be mindful of local customs and traditions. Understanding the significance of Ramadan and planning your trip accordingly can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Respecting local customs and traditions, preparing for changes in business hours, staying hydrated and energized, and embracing the spirit of giving and community can all contribute to a positive travel experience during Ramadan.

Being respectful and mindful of your behaviour can make the most of your trip and positively impact the local community.

TL;DR: Travelling during Ramadan can be a great experience with some planning and consideration. Tips include respecting local customs, planning ahead for accommodations and meals, dressing appropriately, and being mindful of your behavior. Whether you're Muslim or not, these tips can help you have a fulfilling and respectful trip.



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