Allah SWT has blessed the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad with the Holy month of Ramadan that comes once according to the Islamic Lunar calendar. Singular in its virtues, blessings and Barakah, Ramadan mandates fasting on all adult and sane Muslims (with exceptions) from dawn till dusk with abstinence from food, drink and marital relations. Muslims all over the world spend Ramadan with religious fervor, spiritually uplifting themselves to reap the benefits and rewards of this month and the nearness of Allah SWT through increased worship, recitation of the Quran and supplication. This month thus becomes a spiritual practice of self-discipline, empathy for the less fortunate, and increased devotion to Allah (God). It also encourages the unity of the community through fasting, prayer and acts of charity.

Considering the profound significance of this sacred month, naturally every Muslim would have the desire to spend more time in religious activities. This inevitably leads us to the concept of Barakah, getting more for less. It is without doubt that Ramadan brings forth barakah-an increase in productivity so to speak-when a person attempts to embrace the month complete with its rulings, virtues and blessings. In the hustle bustle of today’s world who does not like to achieve more with less effort? In Ramadan, the need for barakah from the productivity perspective is twofold.

  1. Barakah in Worship (Spiritual Productivity)
  2. Barakah in Work and Personal Lives (Physical and Social Productivity)

Importance of Productivity in Ramadan

Ramadan is a reset of sorts for our body and our habits considering the shift it brings in our routines. It is undeniable that staying away from food and drink can deplete energy levels and potentially bring about lethargy and weakness thus affecting the otherwise regular activities of a person. This often compels companies and businesses to reduce working hours in favor of allowing Muslims to focus more on their spiritual practices. At face value, it might seem like productivity has declined but in actuality the more people focus on their religion alongside, the more they will be able to see in terms of production in the long run.

Yet, that does not discount the need for diverse strategies, astute time-planning and determined planning during the Holy Month for the purpose of staying efficient to maintain output. To make the most of our limited time, time management becomes crucial for balancing work commitments with spiritual practices to ensure efficiency and productivity professionally and personally.

Unfortunately, there are people unwilling to make an effort towards a satisfactory balance, using the excuse of ‘Ramadan is a month of worship’ to justify their inability to be productive at work and in the community during Ramadan. While admittedly, things can become overwhelming for some, there is no doubt that not just productivity can be maintained if not increased in Ramadan but also how important it is do so. According to Muhammad Faris, CEO of Productive Muslim Company,

‘We believed that productivity is possible in the modern world and there are concepts in our religion and practical tips and techniques grounded in psychology and physiology that we could benefit from and apply during Ramadan to lead spiritually, physically, and socially productive lives.’

Tips to Maintain Energy Levels and Productivity

A few practical tips have been highlighted that can help steady energy levels and increase output. It should be understood though, that one should have sincere faith in Allah SWT and make the intention of doing everything for His sake. Insha'Allah he will find barakah in all that he pursues.

  1. Planning According to Salah Timings

The stronger the spirituality level, the better the productivity. Finding a balance between work commitments and spiritual practices during Ramadan will require setting boundaries and prioritizing time for religious activities. When you plan around prayer timings, you will automatically gravitate towards performing them first before starting on the tasks to follow. It makes it easy to fulfill obligations as well as completing tasks on time whether they are focused on work or personal life. It is pertinent to mention here that the ABDEEZ Wudhu Socks are just the item to make your wudhu trips easier to cut down on time if you are prone to making them frequently. They are 100% waterproof and breathable, designed to help you perform wudhu with ease, without worrying about wet feet or violating any Shari'ah laws.

  1. Eating Mindfully: Watch what you Eat

It is important to remember, especially in Ramadan that food is fuel. If you are hoping to have a productive day, make sure your Suhoor is packed with healthy foods to keep you going throughout the day. Plan for simpler Ramadan meals or after iftar because you will have a more rational approach then and not gravitate towards oily fried food which might be delightful on the tastebuds but can definitely do a number on your energy levels. Pick oatmeal over sugary cereal and fruits over sugary fruit snacks. 

  1. Incorporate Regular Breaks

It is extremely important to ensure that one is physically fit to continue throughout the day. Fasting can often cause fatigue and dehydration or trigger headaches which makes it essential to take breaks or power naps. A weakened person can bring no output, whether in professional capacity or in spiritual actions. Relegating some time to rest will make one more focused when doing tasks.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care

Ramadan is a month of peace which means abstinence from negative thoughts and behavior as well. It also encourages self-care, self-reflection, introspection, and spiritual growth. This is the time to cleanse our souls and purify them from sins and focus on getting closer to Allah. With a positive mental state, it becomes easier for co-workers to make peace with each other and prioritize their well-being in all aspects.

Empty stomachs and disrupted routines often lead to crankiness and lethargy, which people often take out on others. To set a strong foundation for the month, it is encouraged to set clear intentions for self-care to guide your actions and focus. Your daily routine would need new modifications to balance work commitments, personal care, and religious practices in a way that does not make you overworked.

A promising self-care routine should also include getting quality sleep each night and incorporating some light physical activity that keeps the blood circulating and reduces stress. It is however imperative to be gentle with yourself. Listen to your body and understand what it requires to adjust self-care and make the most out of this Holy month.

  1. Practice Gratitude

Showing gratitude towards yourself, your work environment and team members goes a long way in building trust and strong connection in collaboration and engagement. According to Harvard Business Review, it also reduces stress levels and increases resilience at work. Gratitude creates a positive impact at work through improving team dynamics, customer relations and most of all, overall wellbeing. It also boosts individual and collective morale when people acknowledge and appreciate each other’s contributions thereby assisting in creating an inclusive, productive and supportive workplace.

It is important to add as a reminder that Islam is a beautifully structured religion that develops and promotes productivity and does not encourage slackness or procrastination. Indeed, in a hadith, the Prophet ﷺ advised the Muslims to use their youth, health, wealth, free time and life in the most fruitful way. He is quoted as saying:

Take benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death. (Hakim)


Acacia Learning. (2024, March 15). 7 ways to maximize productivity during Ramadan: Professional Development.,to%20maximize%20productivity%20during%20Ramadan.

Faris, M. (2018, July 9). Productivity in Ramadan...a myth or reality?.

Khalid, O. (2021, March 21). 5 ways to boost your productivity in Ramadan. IslamicFinder.

Mahendra, A. G. (2024, March 9). Importance of time management during Ramadan for Working Professionals. LinkedIn.

Tips to maintain productivity during ramadan: Guidance. Blog | Guidance Residential | Islamic Home Financing. (2022, April 1).





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