A Sacred Bond: The Marriage of Ali (RA) and Fatima (RA)
When we talk about love and devotion in an Islamic context, the relationship of Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) and Fatima bint Muhammad (RA) often comes up as an example. Their bond transcended the ordinary in terms of affection, faith and sacrifice. Their union was the coming together of two of the most beloved individuals of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a marriage that carries the weight of history and also serves as one of the most profound examples of righteous partnership for Muslims today.
Ali (RA), the cousin of the Prophet (PBUH), had been under the guardianship of the Prophet (PBUH) from a young age and grew up in the same household. When Islam was still in its infancy, Ali (RA) was among the first to embrace it, undeterred by the hostilities of the Quraysh, proving his loyalty to the Prophet (PBUH). By the time he reached adulthood, he had already proved himself in battle and was well known for his courage and strength. The Prophet (PBUH) once said about Ali,
'Ali is from me and I am from 'Ali. And none should represent me except myself or 'Ali." [Sunan al-Tirmidhi 3719]
This showcases their deep bond and understanding, and gives an insight into why the Prophet (PBUH) accepted Ali’s proposal to his daughter.
Fatima (RA), was the youngest daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and Khadija (RA), often referred to as ‘Umm Abiha’ which translates to ‘mother of her father’ because of the great love she showed towards him. She was raised in the home where the divine revelation descended and grew up deeply devoted to Islam. Many noblemen sought her hand in marriage, as is only natural, but none were accepted by the Prophet (PBUH).
Meanwhile, Ali (RA) longed to propose but hesitated because of his financial state. Despite his noble lineage, he possessed little in terms of lands and wealth. When he finally did gather the courage to ask the Prophet (PBUH) his nervousness was apparent. After asking Fatima (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) accepted the proposal, overlooking his wealth or status and insead recognised Ali’s (RA) strength of character and sincerity. It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Buraidah that his father said:
"Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, proposed marriage to Fatimah but the Messenger of Allah said: 'She is young.' Then 'Ali proposed marriage to her and he married her to him."
The wedding festivities, that took place around the 2nd year after Hijrah, were simple and inexpensive. Ali (RA) sold his shield to provide the dowry, and the Prophet (PBUH) himself oversaw the humble wedding feast which consisted of dates, bread and some meat. The event starkly contrasts the common preference today of extravagant events and luxurious celebrations. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
“The best marriage is that which is easiest” [Sunan Abu Dawud 2117]
The newlyweds moved to a modest house near the Prophet’s (PBUH) mosque filled with blessings, love and faith. Ali (RA) was deeply fond of Fatima (RA) and they often laughed and prayed together, despite their life together being devoid of material luxury. Fatima (RA) took care of the household, would grind grain until her hands got blistered, and carry water until her shoulders ached. Ali (RA) also worked hard to provide, often drawing water for others in exchange for dates. Despite her patience and endurance she once approached her father, seeking a servant and he replied:
“Shall I not tell you of something better than what you ask? When you go to bed, say ‘SubhanAllah’ thirty-three times, ‘Alhamdulillah’ thirty-three times, and ‘Allahu Akbar’ thirty-four times.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 5362]
This hadith delineates the lesson that the Prophet (PBUH) taught his daughter, about the importance of finding strength in the remembrance of Allah (SWT), and not relying on ease-- which is also how the Prophet (PBUH) lived his own life.
Another famous incident revolving around their marriage from which Muslims can learn plenty was when Fatima (RA) and Ali (RA) had an argument, and Ali (RA) left the house. The Prophet (PBUH), upon hearing about it went to reconcile between them and approached the matter with gentleness instead of rebuke, even calling him ‘Abu Turab’ affectionately which was a name that Ali (RA) cherished.
“There was no name dearer to `Ali than Abu Turab (for it was given to him by the Prophet himself)” [Sahih Muslim 2409]
The Prophet (PBUH) demonstrated docility in order to restore martial harmony, acknowledging emotions instead of fanning egos, which is an important tip for resolving conflicts in any relationship, but especially in marriage where disagreements are bound to arise.
They were blessed with children who would go on to become crucial figures in Islamic history. Their first son, Hassan (RA) was born in the third year of Hijrah, followed by Hussain (RA), a year later. The Prophet once said,
“Hassan and Hussain will be the leaders of the youth of Paradise” [Sunan ibn Majah 118]
They also had two daughters, Zainab (RA) and Umm Kulthum (RA). The Prophet (PBUH) had immense love for his grandchildren, and often embraced and prayed for them.
Fatima (RA) passed away in the 11th year after Hijrah, just a few months after the Prophet (PBUH), and her demise was one of the greatest losses of Ali’s (RA) life. Devastated, he buried her in secrecy just as she had wished. It is said that he often visited her grave as well as the Prophet’s (PBUH) and spoke of how he longed for her and how this event has left him without solace and endurance. He never remarried after her death.
Ali (RA) once said:
“I have never been angry with Fatima, nor was she ever angry with me. She never disobeyed me, and I never forced her to do anything she disliked” [Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya]
Their marriage personifies true companionship, mutual sacrifice, and the art of treating each other with reciprocal kindness, patience and love. It is a testament to how wealth doesn’t define a successful marriage, but working together through struggles does. Their loyalty to each other and their devotion to Allah (SWT) is something we can only hope to achieve in this life. May Allah be pleased with them.
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