The sudden switch from traditional toilet paper to bidet has been surprising, but to think that it's actually more beneficial leaves us wondering why we didn't think of this earlier? Culturally, bidets have been popular in Europe and Asia for quite a significant amount of time as they prefer to use a bidet after every toilet visit. However, the popularity of bidets are on the rise recently in America and other western countries, but is it actually healthier to use a bidet?
Due to other cultures already being in practise of this bathroom accessory, we have significant evidence of its helpfulness. For starters, the gentle stream of water projected by bidets proves to me much gentler on the sensitive areas as compared to toilet paper. This comes in handy as it becomes a more accessible and comfortable option for people dealing with ailments such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
One of the most significant perks of using a bidet is that for differently-abled individuals and people with limited mobility, including older adults, the hands-free cleaning of a bidet offers a level of independence and help maintain integrity, things traditional wiping, with assistance if need be, simply can't match. This all in all increases the accessibility of bidets and has been a major factor contributing to their boosted fame.
It's important to note that while toilet paper may leave behind tiny particles that can cause irritation, the thorough rinse of bidets rids users of any kind of discomfort. On top of that, these toilet accessories help minimize the spread of germs, as they refuse the direct contact of our hands with potentially contaminated toilet paper. This makes a bidet not only more hygienic but also a safer choice in shared spaces like; offices, households, etc. Keeping up with personal hygiene isn’t just a good habit; it’s also a way to show respect for ourselves and others.
Statistically, bidets have significantly reduced the harmful impact of toilet paper use on the environment. Reportedly, Americans use over 36 billion rolls of toilet paper annually, producing each roll consumes gallons of water. By switching to a bidet, which uses only a fraction of that amount, you’re supporting a greener planet without compromising on cleanliness.
As more people discover these advantages, it's easy to see why bidets are becoming a staple in establishments worldwide.
From an Islamic point of view, maintaining cleanliness and purity is not merely recommended but also an integral part of our faith. One of the prime beings that Muslims look up to for guidance as a role model is the last Prophet of Allah (SWT), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He also emphasized time and time again that "cleanliness constitutes half of faith".
This principle highlights the responsibility we have been bestowed with to uphold cleanliness in every aspect of our lives—both personal and environmental. As mentioned above, bidets help achieve a thorough and hygienic cleanse, the epitome of which can not be achieved by toilet paper alone. This helps Muslims stay in a constant state of physical purity throughout the day, and easily fulfill their religious responsibilities.
The aspect of bidets being environmentally friendly aligns with core Islamic teachings of protecting and maintaining the integrity of the earth as it is a gift from Allah for safekeeping, as mentioned in one of the Prophet (PBUH)'s Hadith where he stated,
Not only that, each element of creation is interconnected in ways only Allah (SWT) can intricately design, this is why the responsibility of not harming the creations of Allah(SWT) is amplified.
Small acts like changing or tweaking your practices or habits may initially seem redundant. However, once small acts pile up, they end up weighing far greater. Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own actions, and will be answerable for them. This is why it is crucial we focus on our deeds and implement ways to better them.
The purity encouraged by Islam extends beyond physical cleanliness to mental and spiritual health; when we take steps to stay clean, such as by using a bidet, it can contribute to our overall well-being and stability. The Holy Quran beautifully showcases the idea of purity stating,
“Verily, he [truly] prospers who purifies himself” [87:15]
Additionally, an important verse of Surah Tawbah highlights the importance of external purity in the eyes of Allah while the following verses of the surah stress the necessity of purifying one's heart and soul.
“Certainly, a mosque founded on righteousness from the first day is more worthy of your prayers. In it are men who love to be purified. And Allah loves those who purify themselves.” [9:108]
By following these teachings, using a bidet becomes more than a health benefit—it becomes an act of worship, embodying the Islamic value of maintaining both personal hygiene and environmental stewardship in pursuit of a life of righteousness and positivity.
It is quite evident how important it is to remain in a constant state of cleanliness. However, it can prove to be extremely difficult to maintain those standards, in a place of uncertainty or emergency.
In the possibility that you’ve found yourself in need of something whether you’re on a long-haul flight, camping off-grid, taking off on a road trip or in a place such as; an office space or an educational institute, that is not equipped with the necessary facilities to keep up with your hygiene, it is understandable how you might feel helpless, desperate, and uncertain about how to handle the situation. The lack of proper facilities can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to maintain the cleanliness.

This is where ABDEEZ steps in, revolutionizing the way we maintain purity with its ingenious design of the portable bidet. The ABDEEZ Portable Bidet offers a perfect solution for staying clean on the go, featuring a sleek, leak proof design that ensures high standards of purity are upheld, no matter where you are. The ABDEEZ Portable Bidet is not just beneficial for Muslims; it’s a valuable tool for anyone lacking proper facilities. According to UNICEF, around 60 percent of the world's population—4.5 billion people—either have no toilet at home or one that doesn't safely manage human waste. Moreover, nearly a third of women worldwide lack access to a safe toilet, endangering their health and exposing them to harmful situations. Say goodbye to unhygienic alternatives like wet tissues, used water bottles, or jugs that fall short of true cleanliness and advance to the ABDEEZ Portable Bidet.
Ethics in Technology and Social Media: An Islamic Perspective