Being the inhabitants of a rapidly advancing world has undoubtedly prompted mankind towards a singular purpose of gaining more, aided by the maxims of hustle culture and the widespread influence of digital media. This single-minded pursuit does have its advantages, but at the very cost of compromising upon one’s personal life and religious matters. It is important to understand the necessity of harmonizing Deen and Dunya in our day-to-day activities in order to live a fulfilling and spiritually enriching life as we navigate the challenges of the Dunya.
Before addressing the subject of ‘Balancing’ it is necessary to understand what exactly Deen is. To put it simply, Deen is the Islamic way of life. It is an amalgam of faith, worship, and righteous actions performed in obedience to Allah (SWT). It stands as the foundation which supports a believer’s life and guiding him towards seeking Allah's pleasure and attain eternal success in the Hereafter.
No Monasticism in Islam
Islam in no way encourages renouncing the worldly life but rather encourages involvement, struggle and change. The teachings of the Prophet ﷺ clearly indicate the discouragement of Islam towards cutting one off from the world and worldly responsibilities to focus solely on worship and Ibadah.
It Is important to understand that while this Life is a test, Allah SWT has given us the answers to it through Islam. Rather than making life cumbersome, Islam simplifies our tasks for us. According to the Quran:
‘Allah intends for you ease, and does not want to make things difficult for you’ (Quran 2:185)
‘And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is Taqwa (piety). So fear Me, O you of understanding.’ (2:197)
This verse from the Holy Quran makes it evident that Islam requires of the believers to strive for their provision, thereby participating in the Dunya but in accordance with the Islamic rules and laws with the fear of disobedience and displeasure of Allah SWT.
In a hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Amr, Prophet ﷺ advised against religious excessiveness. Prophet ﷺ asked him:
“Have I heard right that you fast every day and stand in prayer all night?” Abdullah replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Do not do that. Fast, as well as, eat and drink. Stand in prayer, as well as, sleep. This is because your body has a right upon you, your eyes have a right upon you, your wife has a right upon you, and your guest has a right upon you.” (Sahih Bukhari 127)
The pages of Islamic history contain numerous examples of Muslims excelling in fields of medicine, technology and science in addition to extensive compilation of Islamic laws. There were prominent Muslims known for their achievements, whose worship and faith did not prevent them from being scholars in the religious or worldly sciences. In case of the latter, it is relevant to the discussion to mention the names of Al-Zahraawi in the field of medicine, Ibn al-Haytham in the field of vision and light, al-Khawaarizmi in the field of mathematics and many others.
The Quran reiterates the need for reconciling religion and worldly life:
Surah Al-Qasas (28:77): “But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world.”
Indeed, the preparation of the Hereafter is necessary for all, but it should be done by utilizing worldly resources in a way that is responsible and without becoming excessively attached to the pleasures of Dunya and material possessions.
The concept of the Duniya being the cultivating ground for the Hereafter is often mentioned in religious classes. In the context of present discussion, it means living in the Duniya the way Islam prescribed, in order to reap the rewards of the Hereafter. That is the test for a believer, to be part of society with its engagements and interactions, benefiting from what the world offers while remaining within the set of boundaries Allah SWT has ordained. And that is Deen-The Way of Life for a Believer.
Deen & Dunya: Not Mutually Exclusive
A very common misunderstanding is that of considering both Deen and Duniya as two different lifestyles where only one can be pursued at a time. Deen is often relegated to the sidelines, being considered a ‘personal matter’ and only to be followed once one is free from the requirements of worldly life. This is one extreme when you consider the two as being mutually exclusive: completely investing oneself in Dunya, while completely disregarding the impending Hereafter. The other is to isolate oneself from society to focus on religion and spirituality while neglecting their families and worldly duties.
It is imperative to understand that Islam is not a religion that promotes extreme but a religion of ease and balance. Being a good believer does not mean hating the Dunya or escaping from it, it means finding a balance between your religious and worldly duties in a way that neither is compromised.
“Do not exult. Indeed, Allah does not like the exultant. But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters.” (Quran 28:77)
This balance is not about taking a little bit of Deen and a little bit of Dunya. This balance can only be achieved if you adopt Deen as your way of life and fit in Dunya accordingly. Indeed, Dunya, lived according to the Deen is practically Ibadah. Allah SWT has given us Dunya to practice Deen and how we do that will reflect in the Akhirah, which makes them intrinsically linked and indispensable for success in each other. To put it simply, attaining excellence in Deen is through excellence in Dunya. This excellence can come through the nurturing of our bond with Allah SWT because our relationship with Him affects not just our lives in this world but the Hereafter as well. A healthy spiritual bond will steer us towards a righteous and content life. A weak relationship will lead one astray, towards materialism and meaninglessness.
To make the attainment of this balance easier, institutions such as schools and universities under Muslims patronage should endeavor to encourage pursuit of studies and activities in line with religious teachings. Workplaces and businesses should also advocate for working-the Islamic Way. DEENIN counts itself among those constantly striving towards harmonizing Deen and Dunya in a way that the latter is lived in the way of Deen. Indeed, DEENIN’s production lines are also strongly indicative of its principles, assisting believers with ease of worship so their religious obligations are not compromised regardless of where they are.
Practical Solutions for Balancing Deen and Dunya
- Plan According to Daily Acts of Worship: To ensure that Deen remains a priority and not neglected, plan your day and engagements according to prayer timings. Meetings after Zuhr, tea after Asar etc. Additionally, it will help to dedicate specific times for obligatory prayers, regular recitation of the Quran, and Zikr. This will assist in maintaining spirituality amidst the busy hustle bustle of life.
- Seek Halal Earnings: The best possible way to make your earnings a balanced integration of Deen and Duniya is to ensure your job or business is purely halal and there is nothing illegitimate in your dealings. Your focus should be on pursuing careers and businesses which are in alignment with Islamic principles, ensuring that your earnings are lawful and free from any unethical practices. Once you have succeeded, make the right intention when leaving for work, InshaAllah your work hours will be considered as an Ibadah.
- Weigh Actions against teachings of Quran and Sunnah: One important tip to keep in mind while attempting to live a Balanced Deen/Dunya life is to continuously weigh your actions against the Quranic teachings and the Sunnah. It is important to try to incorporate Taqwa in our daily lives which is instrumental in steering us towards decisions that are in accordance with Islamic principles and values. This consciousness in our actions will keep one vigilant and in line whilst engaging in worldly affairs.
- Time Management: Work towards allocation of time for both religious obligations and worldly activities. Avoid procrastination and maintain a balanced routine that includes time for family, work, worship, and personal development.
- Acts of Charity: other than the numerous benefits it has, giving charity also distances one from materialism and developing too much love for the Dunya. Encouraging the spirit of giving by engaging in regular acts of charity supports those who are in need while ensuring that one does not fall into materialism and thus forgets one's religious obligations.
- Continuous Learning: Islam is for all times and all people and definitely not something that becomes obsolete with time. Indeed, Islam encourages logical thinking and the rulings of the Shariah are based on Islamic principles that are universal in terms of time and place. Many Islamic institutions under the patronage of authentic scholars hold talks all over the world about living our lives the Islamic way in contemporary times without compromising either Deen or Dunya as we attempt to strengthen our relationships with Allah SWT.
Balancing Deen and Dunya is truly a journey of dedication, mindfulness, consistency and effort. As Muslims of the contemporary world, it becomes incumbent upon us to seek Allah's guidance and apply the teachings of the Quran and Hadith in our daily lives. To find harmony and contentment in our dual goal, our approach needs to focus on spirituality, a moderate engagement with worldly pursuits and trust in Allah’s SWT infinite wisdom. Indeed, the ultimate success lies in attaining a balance that leads us to the pleasure of Allah and the ultimate reward in the Hereafter.
Anwaar, A. (2017, August 2). Balancing Deen and Dunya: Struggles of a Muslim. Islamicfinder. https://www.islamicfinder.org/news/balancing-deen-and-dunya-struggles-of-a-muslim/
Baig, Y. (2015, June 6). Yawar Baig & Associates. https://yawarbaig.com/balancing-deen-and-dunya/
Hamid, M. (2023, August 6). Balancing Deen and duniya: Striking harmony in a modern world. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/balancing-deen-duniya-striking-harmony-modern-world-mohd-hamid#:~:text=By%20prioritizing%20our%20spiritual%20growth,religious%20obligations%20and%20worldly%20responsibilities
Moderation in learning Islam: Tips for keeping balance in life. IslamOnline. (2023, February 7). https://islamonline.net/en/moderation-in-learning-islam-tips-for-keeping-balance-in-life/
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